Gossip Girl
Who is being represented: The girl is being shown as a mean girl
How is being stereotype: The girls is stereotype as a typical high school popular girl
What type of Approach: Reflective Approach because in the photo shoot, regular high school girl behavior is intended to be represented.
One day at a time:
Who is being represented: The family is shown to be an ordinary Mexican family that wants to celebrate the birthday of her daughter.
How is being stereotype: The family’s accent
What type of Approach: Reflective Approach because it talks about the accent and she sis celebrating thier 15 birthday of her daughter.
Amazon Empire: The Rise and Reign of Jeff Bezos:
Who is being represented: Jeff Bezos is one of the richest man in the world
How is being stereotype: Its being stereotype because the people use money for power
What type of Approach: Intentional Approach because Jeff Bezos is not good person and he uses money to get power.
The Social Network:
Who is being represented: A typical college student is named as Mark Zuckerberg
How is being stereotype: Every college student attends parties, and immediately following the party, they begin to solve math problems.
What type of Approach: Constructionist Approach because it's saying that they have all college students have parties.
Who is being represented: The people at the bar is represented as a proud British person
How is being stereotype: That British are often represented as being snobby, with bad oral hygiene, and the same accent
What type of Approach: Constructionist Approach because the show is trying to say that all British have the same accent and they have bad attitude when they talk bad about the football selection.
In Bruges:
Who is being represented: The family is a typical American family in vacation
How is being stereotype: Americans are often stereotyped because of being obese
What type of Approach: Constructionist Approach because all american families are obese.