
I chose this movie because it's about a bunch high schoolers trying to be the good guys of the School. This show reflects me when i'm in school that I want to be the best and all the characters in the film are similar to me. This show can be accurate by 4 kids in high school try to save there town called river dale. These high school students act like that are adults. The person wanted to show the audience that these students could do anything they want in the real world. I would say this movie is for me because I would always like to be a leader to my town.
2. The Redeem Team

I chose this movie because my life consists of basketball and these basketball players are the best in the world. I could represent this movie by saying my whole life I liked to watch basketball, play basketball, and to get better at the sport. This movie is accurate because this team lost in 2004 so they had to win in 2008 to show the world that they are the real deal. This team wanted to show the audience that this is the best team In the world and they proved that. This movie is for me because I loved basketball my whole life.
3. Money Heist

I chose this movie because this group of people robbed a bank and hold all the people hostage. I could represent this movie because The Professor's action plans had a purpose, and because he was committed to them and strategic about them, the team was able to prevent a lot of failures. Similar to how a leader in business should be more driven and passionate than his rivals. Thus movie is accurate because it's group of young people trying to rob a bank. This movie is not me because I'm not a robbery.
Representation is important because it's stands by you of who you are. I chose the 2nd movie because I love the game of basketball and to represent me in any way possible. I chose mostly show for all of them because they really go in depth of what's happening in the film. In my opinion these media describe me as an achiever. I think these media's were good so overall that makes me feel like that achieved it.