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Mis-en-scene case study

Sebastian Miliker


Props: Hat

Set Design: In the Jungle

Costumes: Jungle clothes

Makeup: The girl has natural make up

Color: Green green, brown, & black

Lighting: Bright

Blocking: Standing in the Jungle

Framing: long shot

Lenses: Everything is in focus

Sound: People making noises.

Music: It from soft to higher.

The meaning is that these can from a video game and they have to complete a mission to get back to the real world. In this scene everything is in focus so you can see what's happening: The actors tend to look confused on what's happening: Meanwhile they use jungle clothes as props because they are in the jungle. The express is that they are in a video game trying to get out of it. They all tend to show the same feeling.

Money Heist:

Props: Candles

Set Design: In a bank

Costumes: red outfit and a mask to disguise their selves.

Makeup: The girl has makeup

Color: Red, Black, Grey, & yellow

Lighting: Dark

Blocking; standing in a bank

Framing: Long shot

lenses: The window is not in focus

Sound: People talking, screaming, and shotguns

Music: No music

Th meaning of film is that they are wearing the same clothes because when they release an imposter they will all go outside so they won't know which one is which so they can't shoot them.In this scene not everything is in focus, as you see in the back the window is blurry. The actors tend to look very confident on what their doing and how they are gonna do it. Meanwhile they wear masks and wear red outfits so when they go outside the FBI and police won't know who which is. The express is that they are in a back and they are trying to rob the bank. They all tend to have the same feeling because they want to rob a bank and to get rich.

All American:

Props: jersey's

Set design: In a high school

Costumes: wearing football jerseys

Makeup: On there face

Color: green, white,yellow,white, black

Lighting: Lowkey lighting

Blocking: standing in the gym

Framing: Mid shot

lenses: the background window is not in focus

Sound: Them talking about football

Music. No music

The meaning in this film is that Spencer it talking to his friend before the game on how to win the game.In the scene mostly everything is in focus, but in the background there is a little blure. The actors are on the same team and talking about how they are going to win their next game. Meanwhile they are wearing Jerseys because they are on the high school football team. They all tend to have the same feeling because they want to win a championship for their school to remember his dad.


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