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Blog Post: table of contents research

Sebastian Miliker

Savor the season #1 TOC

Number of images: 7

Description of each image: All the pictures show a thanksgiving meal

List of Sections: No sections

Number of Article: 21

Highest Page Number: 45

Article Font format: Bold Title , normal description

Color pallets of fonts: Brown and black

Stylistic feature: no feature

Title of Page: Savor the season

Number of columns per page: 2

In This Issue #2 TOC

Number of image: 5

Description of each image: from bottom to top it shows the steps on making granola with granola, yogurt, fruit, and chocolate.

List of sections: On the cover

Number of article: 5

Highest page number: 52

Article Font Format: Bold title, normal description

Color Pallets of fonts: Red, brown, and black

Stylistic feature: Nothing really separating the sections

Title of Page: In this issue

Number of the columns per page: 2

The food court #3 TOC

Number of image: 7

Description of each image: The image is all food in a food court such as meatballs, salad and meat.

List of sections: Your paleo kitchen, Recipes, Beef, Pork & lamb, chicken, eggs, fish and & seafood, and resources

Number of Article: 10

Highest page number; 34

Article Font Format: Bold title, normal description

Color pallets of fonts: Orange, black and red

Stylistic feature: grey lines

Title of page: The food court

Number of columns per page: 3

Section Summary:

Savor the season

In this issue

Food for thought

fish & seafood

on the cover

Your paleo kitchen

Pork & lamb





Photo summary:

The average TOC in the food genre 5-6 pictures

The types of photos on TOC in the food genre tends

to be high angle shot.

The TOC in the food genre usually have multiple photos around the magazine. When there is a second page, there tend to be the same amount of photos.

Page number:

The average TOC in the food genre has an average of 16 articles.

in the food genre, magazines are an average of 41 pages.

Fonts: in these 3 magazines the font's are very similar because the title is bold and then rest is normal description. The title and description tend to be the same in many ways.

Similarites: some are that they use the same font, the main topic is food.


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