Research and planning
Intro: My intro for this assignment is to show that these guys are the best players for what sport they play in. For my magazine I chose Lebron James Tom Brady because Lebron is the king for basketball, and Tom Brady is the goat for football.

Age: This cover would attract readers from 18-36
Gender: This magazine would go with any gender because basketball is for everyone.
Main Image: The main image features Lebron James, which would attract more men then women.
Interest: The main target for this magazine is to show that Lebron James is the best basketball player of all time.
Color Scheme: The color scheme is mostly black with a little bit of brightness in the background which the ball is light yellow.

Age: This cover would attract readers from age 18-60
Gender: this gender would go for men because football is a dangerous sport.
Main Image: The main image features Tom Brady, would attract most men.
Interest: The main target for this magazine is to show that Tom Brady is goat for football.
Color scheme: The color scheme is black and white with a little bit of light red and dark blue.